Listen Now: Why our yellow buses must go green!

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This week we released a report into the many benefits of transitioning our school bus fleet away from diesel to electric. We are so excited to share this with you - read our electric school bus report here.

This week we joined Alan Neal's All in a Day program on CBC Radio to discuss why our school buses must go green. Hear the interview here.

Later this month, we are excited to be hosting a webinar on the co-benefits of electric school buses. There will be presentations by Dr Laura Minet of the Clean Air (CLAIR) lab at the University of Victoria, discussing the air pollution impacts of diesel emissions, as well as Dr Eugenie Waters, family physician with CAPE Ontario (the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Ontario Committee), discussing the health impacts of diesel exhaust.

Join us to learn what you can do to help make a fully electric school bus fleet a reality.

When: Wednesday 22nd of February 1-2pm EST

Where: Zoom 

We can work together to urge Ottawa and Ontario's provincial government to work together to go electric on all school buses, for the sake of the climate and our kids’ health. Join us to learn more!







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