Harmony Eshkawkogan

Assembly of Seven Generations

Harmony Eshkawkogan ndishnikaaz, Wiikwemikong ndoonjiba, Ottawa ndonji. Ginoozhe ndoodem, Niishdana ashi nishwaaswi ndisbiboonwei, Anishinaabe Midewiwin-kwe ndaww.

Hello, My name is Harmony Eshkawkogan, I am from Wiikwemikong and live in Ottawa. My clan is Pike and I am 28 winters old. I am a part of the 3 Fires tribe and use she/her pronouns. I am a helper with Assembly of 7 Generations (A7G) an Indigenous youth organization on the Algonquin territory. I work at A7G social enterprise an Indigenous store called Adaawewigamig (a place of trade) and a youth leader that helps take care of the community garden.

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