EPIC Tree Giveaway!

Experimental Farms
960 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON
Meera Manghani
This tree giveaway has already taken place.


THE BIGGEST TREE GIVE AWAY OF THE YEAR IS HAPPENING ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH! Not only will we will have the most species diversity we’ve ever had, we will also have over 2,000 trees at this EPIC day-long Tree Giveaway! Come out to the Experimental Farm for 10+ species of local, native and some fruit and nut bearing tree's - species list below.
Please note:
• You are encouraged to bring your own reusable bag/small box to the event
• For tree species information, please visit: https://www.ontario.ca/page/tree-atlas/ontario-southeast
• We will have a lot of trees and while we are putting on this event to distribute larger numbers, we have upcoming tree giveaways throughout the city where we will have a smaller subset of these same trees!
• Our tree-team is small but mighty, so we ask that you save your questions until the event! A lot of answers to questions we receive are listed on our Tree Campaign page
Help us spread the word, please SHARE this event and invite your friends ❤
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2a8Uslzn8
black elderberry, black chokeberry, bur oak, pussy willow, red oak, red maple, sandbar willow, tamarack, white spruce, white/red pine, and yellow birch (additions and substitutions to this list may occur).
Exact Location: 960 Carling Ave.

Thank you for your support! We would also like to thank Ferguson Forest Centre and our generous funders for making this program possible: the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Jim MacNeill family, Ontario 150 and the Community Foundation of Ottawa.

Ontario Trillium Foundation Logo

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