Sign Our Petitions

Protect birds in Ottawa! | Protegons nos oiseaux !

We therefore call upon the City of Ottawa to:

  • Pass a resolution supporting an application to Nature Canada to become certified as Bird-Friendly City
  • Upgrade its Bird-Safe Design Guidelines to Standards, particularly through the implementation of the High-Performance Development Standards
  • Commit to an annual program educating residents on the threats that cats pose to birds
  • Accelerate the implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan to achieve our 40% canopy coverage at a neighbourhood level
  • Commit to the conservation of existing forest and wetlands, particularly those wetlands recently made vulnerable from the Provincial Bill 23.


Nous demandons donc à la Ville d'Ottawa de :

  • Adopter une résolution appuyant une demande de certification de Ville amie des oiseaux auprès de Nature Canada ;
  • Améliorer les Lignes directrices de conception sécuritaire pour les oiseaux pour en faire des normes, en particulier par la mise en œuvre des Normes pour l'aménagement d'immeubles très performant ;
  • Mettre en œuvre un programme annuel d'éducation des résidents sur les menaces que les chats font peser sur les oiseaux ;
  • Accélérer la mise en œuvre du Plan de gestion de la forêt urbaine afin d'atteindre l'objectif de 40 % de couvert végétal à l'échelle du quartier ;
  • Prendre des mesures pour conserver les forêts et les zones humides existantes, en particulier celles qui ont été récemment rendues vulnérables par le projet de loi 23 de la province.
Yellow Buses Must Go Green!

We, the undersigned, petition Ottawa City Council and the Province of Ontario to work together to accelerate the necessary transition to electric school buses to ensure that we can reach our climate commitments and safeguard our children’s health.

Nous, les soussignés, demandons au Conseil municipal d'Ottawa et à la province de l'Ontario de travailler ensemble pour accélérer la transition nécessaire vers les autobus scolaires électriques afin de s'assurer que nous pouvons atteindre nos engagements climatiques et sauvegarder la santé de nos enfants.

Support 15-Minute Neighbourhoods!

To foster 15-minute neighbourhoods, we call on Ottawa City Council to:

  • Develop a Transitional Neighbourhood Parking Strategy to increase density in neighbourhoods and retain permeable surface. Most neighbourhoods lack adequate transit and active transportation infrastructure to transition to a 15-minute neighbourhood; the city needs practical strategies for parking until they do.
  • Strengthen the tree retention and “room for trees” provisions of the proposed by-law. The by-law draft proposes important steps to promote our tree canopy, but language on tree retention and space-making must be clarified and strengthened.
  • Reduce commercial parking maximums to mitigate car dependency and encourage walkability. High maximum commercial parking rates in 15-minute neighbourhoods make development car-centric and threaten the viability of small shops that serve these neighbourhoods.
Defend Our Trees

We, the undersigned, are calling on Ottawa City Council to commit to protecting our urban forest by investing in the Urban Forest Management Plan, implementing all improvements made and committing to a 40% per neighbourhood canopy cover target.

Nous, soussignés, demandons au Conseil municipal d’Ottawa de s’engager à protéger notre forêt urbaine en investissant dans le Plan de Gestion de la Forêt Urbaine, en mettant en œuvre toutes les améliorations apportées et en nous engageant à atteindre un objectif de couverture de 40% par quartier.

Let's Rewild Ottawa

We, the undersigned, urge council to take ambitious action to conserve and restore nature in Ottawa by making bold financial and political commitments to rewild our city.

We urge council to:

  1.     Amend by-laws to encourage residents to transform front yards and boulevards into naturalized gardens;
  2.     Allocate more money to naturalization through city park budgets;
  3.     Increase naturalization targets for city parks;
  4.     Prioritize conservation of existing greenspace; and
  5.     Educate the public on the benefits of rewilding.


Demand Climate Action!

We, the undersigned, call on Mayor Sutcliffe to take climate action. Specifically, we ask him to:

  • call on the present City Council to affirm the declaration of a climate emergency by City Council in 2019
  • accelerate the implementation of the Climate Change Master Plan, and ensure it is fully funded in the 2024 budget through a long-term financial plan
  • convene the Mayor’s Roundtable on the Environment, as promised in his 2022 election campaign, and modify the name to include Climate Change
  • appoint a General Manager for Climate to coordinate climate action across City departments
  • institute annual reports on greenhouse gas emissions in the City of Ottawa
Support Community Waste Reduction and Diversion Initiatives!

For these reasons, we call upon the City of Ottawa to 

  • Create a multi-year grant program to fund community partnership initiatives that reduce waste and divert it from landfill;
  • Allocate $1.5 million to such a program over the first three years of the Solid Waste Master Plan’s implementation, subject to renewal on positive evaluation; and
  • Permit as eligible expenses staffing, rent, and insurance costs.


Par conséquent, nous demandons à la Ville d'Ottawa de

  • Créer un programme de subvention pluriannuel pour financer des initiatives de partenariat communautaire visant à réduire les déchets et à les détourner des sites d'enfouissement ;
  • Allouer 1,5 million de dollars à ce programme au cours des trois premières années de la mise en œuvre du Plan directeur de la gestion des déchets solides, sous réserve d'un renouvellement en cas d'évaluation positive ; et
  • Autoriser comme dépenses éligibles les frais de personnel, de loyer et d'assurance.


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