Join us for a captivating Earth Day film screening of "The Condor & the Eagle," a powerful documentary that takes viewers on a journey across the Americas, exploring the interconnected struggles of Indigenous communities fighting to protect their land, culture, and the environment against the destructive forces of fossil fuel industries. As these courageous individuals confront the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on their communities, they also come together to build solidarity and forge a path forward rooted in Indigenous wisdom and collective action. Through breathtaking cinematography and intimate storytelling, "The Condor and the Eagle" illuminates the urgent need for environmental justice and Indigenous rights while inspiring audiences to join the movement for a more sustainable and just future for all. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate environmental stewardship and climate justice this Earth Day.
The film is free or by donation, with a suggested donation of $25. All proceeds going to local environmental action through our high-impact grassroots organization.
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