We need a meaningful consultation on Lansdowne 2.0

Lansdowne is a city-wide and regional tourist attraction. The revitalization of Lansdowne will be one of the largest projects considered during this term of Ottawa City Council, and will involve significant additional borrowing at a time when the City is under financial pressure. Transparency and a process that builds public confidence in the decision-making process are essential, and proposals must be in the public interest.

We are seeing a woefully inadequate public consultation in relation to this important project. Volunteers with the Glebe Community Association had to create their own 3D model of the proposed project as the City refused to do so. Calls for meaningful public consultation on this project must be even more important in light of the fact that Lansdowne is now predicted to generate far less money.

Our friends at the Federation of Citizens' Associations, Synapcity, Parkways for People, the Glebe Community Association, the Old Ottawa East Community Association and the Old Ottawa South Community Association have written an open letter to the new Mayor outlining their key requirements for meaningful consultation on this revitalization project.


Photo: Engage Ottawa.


This press release provides further background information on the proposals.

It is clear that the City's current opportunities for "engagement" on the Lansdowne 2.0 project do not meet the minimum criteria for meaningful consultation. Why are the public's wishes not being taken seriously? With a new Mayor and Council, the City needs to do better.


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