Over the course of the year, students from Carleton’s specialization in Climate Change at the graduate level have partnered with community organizations across Ottawa to develop climate action plans that will environmentally benefit the region. In partnership with Ecology Ottawa, The Miyawaki forest toolkit was developed by a multidisciplinary team of master’s students from Carleton University with expertise ranging from Engineering, Architecture, Anthropology, and Communications. The collaborative efforts of this team of researchers have produced the following informational document designed for any individual or organization interested in getting involved with a hands-on, community involved planting project that will not only increase the amount of native plant species in Ottawa, but will also contribute to mitigating and adapting to climate change. Special credit is given to Payton Wentzlaff, Dave Stewart, Nur Ashri, Melanie Vander Vlugt, and Michael Khalil for their involvement with the research and creation of this project.