Council Watch Monthly Digest – April 2013

Environment Committee: Cancelled for the second month in a row. 

Transportation Committee (April 3): April’s Transportation Committee meeting saw the approval to make Bronson Avenue a safer route. Although Ecology Ottawa congratulates the Transportation Committee for this positive outcome we  regret to inform you that councillors also approved spending an additional $8 million to fund a Glebe parking garage project. Take a look at how discussions unraveled during April's Transportation Committee meeting here.

Planning Committee (April 9):   As mentioned in March’s monthly digest, the Planning Committee approved freezing Ottawa’s urban boundary.

City Council (April 10): The decision to freeze the urban boundary was officially approved.

Ecology Ottawa's Rating of City Councillors:

Bronson Avenue safer for cyclists and pedestrians
City Councillor Rating
Councillors on the Transportation Committee* Counc. Allan Hubley Thumbs-upThumbs-down
Increase budget for 2013 New Parking Facilities
Councillors on the Transportation Committee* Thumbs-down
* S. Moffat, R. Bloess, D. Chernushenko, M. Wilkinson, M. Fleury, P. Clark, K. Egli, D. Deanes, T. Tierney, A. Hubley

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