A Liveable Ottawa, with Your Help

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]English: Green cycling lanes for making turns ... Green cycling lanes installed in Ottawa (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

What sort of Ottawa do you want in 20 years from now? Our vision for the future includes massive improvements to the cycling, pedestrian and public transit infrastructure in the nation’s capital, so that people can leave their private automobiles at home more often, or not have to own one at all. The City of Ottawa is building a plan, the Transportation Master Plan, that will determine how the citizens of Ottawa will be moving around the city for years to come and it is currently seeking suggestions directly from residents on how to improve the existing cycling and pedestrian networks to ensure better connections that will lead to more people choosing active transportation options.

Ecology Ottawa is working towards making sure this plan maximizes bicycle and pedestrian traffic in the city to reduce the carbon emissions and make Ottawa a more liveable and healthy city.

As part of this process, the general public is invited to click on this link and follow the directions to add your suggestions to help the city develop a better, more connected network of infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. You will be taken to an on-line map where you can make specific suggestions on how the city should improve cycling lanes and sidewalks in your neighborhood.

Whether it is where you live, work or play your specific suggested improvements are needed. To reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in Ottawa, our transportation choices are a critically important component of the action necessary. Make your mark on how Ottawa can improve its cycling and pedestrian infrastructure today, don’t delay! The consultation ends on June 7th.

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