Council Watch Monthly Digest - June 2013

Transportation Committee (June 5): This meeting was well attended by public delegations who wished to speak to the proposed route for the interprovincial bridge, a highly controversial topic. Some of the Councillors on the Committee made some very strong, positive remarks promoting sustainability in the city, in light of the bridge discussion. Disappointingly, Councillors approved patio encroachments on the Elgin Street sidewalk, without amending the motion to ensure pedestrian safety. The meeting ended with a surprising motion from Councillor Hubley to petition the Ministry of Transportation to erect non signalized pedestrian crossings at various locations to improve pedestrian safety.

Planning Committee (June 11): The Committee discussed a report entitled ‘Strengthening the Future of the Byward Market’. Councillor Monette receives a Thumbs Down for his comments promoting cars as a primary mode of transportation.

City Council (June 12): The expansion of solid waste services in city facilities, the O’Keefe Drain Environmental Management Plan, and the petition to the Ministry of Transportation regarding pedestrian safety were all approved by City Council.

Environment Committee (June 18): This was yet another brief meeting at which the Committee received reports for information.

Transit Commission (June 19):  This meeting included updates from OcTranspo on the PRESTO card, approved budget adjustments, and saw approval for an expensive surveillance system that is to be installed on new busses. The system will increase the ticket fare, but not necessarily increase ridership.

Planning Committee (June 25): This meeting covered items such as the draft Official Plan Amendment, the relocation of two heritage houses, and the Cardinal Creek Village Concept Plan. Intensification was a talking point, with two developments (one in Chapel Hill, the other near the Parkdale Market) bringing strong opposition from local residents.

City Council (June 26): This meeting saw the approval of the relocation of two heritage homes on Sussex Drive and for the ‘Strengthening the Future of the Byward Market’ report.

Ecology Ottawa’s rating of City Councillors for June, 2013

Promoting sustainable practices in light of the interprovincial bridge discussion



David Chernushenko, Peter Clark, Mathieu Fleury


Petition to the Ministry of Transportation



Allan Hubley


Councillors on the Transportation Committee*


Patio encroachments on the Elgin Street sidewalk



Diane Holmes


Councillors on the Transportation Committee**


Strengthening the future of the Byward Market



Bob Monette


Expanding solid waste services in City facilities



City Council*


Approving the O’Keefe Drain EMP



City Council*


Approving the petition to the Ministry of Transportation



City Council*


*Councillors S. Moffatt, R. Chiarelli, E. El-Chantiry, R. Bloess, D. Chernushenko, S. Blais, M. Taylor, S. Desroches, B. Monette, J. Harder, M. Wilkinson, M. Fleury, S. Qadri, P. Clark, K. Egli, D. Deans, K. Hobbs, T. Tierney, D. Holmes, M. Thompson, A. Hubley, P. Hume, M. McRae, and Mayor Jim Watson

Surveillance system on busses



Councillors on the Transit Commission*


*Councillors M. Wilkinson, K. Egli, D. Deans, and T. Tierney. Absent: R. Bloess, S. Blais, and K. Hobbs

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