Complete Streets petition handover 2013-11-25

[caption id="attachment_1770" align="alignleft" width="212"]Complete Streets - Keith Egli, Trevor Haché Keith Egli, Chair of the Transportation Committee, Ottawa City Council, receiving the Complete Streets petition from Trevor Haché, Policy Coordinator, Ecology Ottawa[/caption]

Ecology Ottawa Policy Coordinator Trevor Haché went to City Hall on Monday to hand over the Complete Streets petition to the Chair of city council's transportation committee, Keith Egli. There were over 3200 signatures on the petition calling for City Council to adopt a Complete Streets policy into the Transportation Master Plan.

Ecology Ottawa thanks Chair Egli for accepting the petitions and for his ongoing support of Complete Streets.

Here is the text of the petition, as it was included into the Minutes of City Council:

Petition: Complete Streets for Ottawa

To: The Council of the City of Ottawa, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1

Whereas: Ottawa needs Complete Streets, where safe and comfortable access for pedestrians, cyclists and public transit users of all ages and abilities is not an afterthought, but an integral part of the planning process for the construction, retrofitting, and maintenance of all roadways.

I/We the undersigned, petition the Council of the City of Ottawa as follows:

We, the undersigned, applaud the City of Ottawa for considering Complete Streets as one of the planning issues to be used to review the Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, Infrastructure Master Plan, Cycling Plan, and Pedestrian Plan. Ottawa needs Complete Streets, where safe and comfortable access for pedestrians, cyclists and public transit users of all ages and abilities is not an afterthought, but an integral part of the planning process for the construction, retrofitting, and maintenance of all roadways.

We urge Mayor Jim Watson and all Ottawa City Councillors to support the passage and implementation of a comprehensive Complete Streets policy into all planning documents under review. The policy should be applied to the entire urban boundary so that residents in urban Ottawa, as well as citizens living in the suburbs and villages, all benefit from Complete Streets.

For the past 10 years the City of Ottawa has been spending far too little on improving our roads for pedestrians, cyclists and public transit users and far too much on roads primarily designed to be conduits for automobiles. It is time for Ottawa to move in a new direction.

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