Bur oaks, Samuel de Champlain, and the Cowley family!

[caption id="attachment_1906" align="alignleft" width="257"]Bur Oak cross-section Bur Oak cross-section mounted on the Champlain Park field house.[/caption]

Dozens of people gathered at the Champlain Park Fieldhouse to celebrate the unveiling of two historical installations. Beautifully designed and mounted, these displays recognize the significance the stately Bur Oak, Samuel de Champlain, and the Cowley family have for Champlain Park residents and indeed the history of this part of the Ottawa River.

An outdoor installation features a cross-section from an ancient bur oak cut in 2011 to make way for infill on Northwestern Avenue.

An indoor installation presents a timeline of important events in our community’s natural and social history. A packed house viewed the timeline installed, with an opportunity to add modern timeline that included their family's history in the neighbourhood.

[caption id="attachment_1904" align="alignright" width="275"]DSC_0097 Champlain Park timeline installations were sponsored by the City of Ottawa.[/caption]

Both of these permanent displays were sponsored by the City of Ottawa.

Read more about the Champlain Oaks at the projects blog!

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