Climate Change Campaign Update – Where We’re Going and How To Get There

(jump back to Where we Are)

Ecology Ottawa is cautiously optimistic that the City of Ottawa has begun the process of assuming its responsibilities in the face of climate change.

However, producing a planning document and actually reducing greenhouse gas emissions are two different things. Similarly, recognizing potential liability in the lack of an adaptation plan isn’t the same as actually protecting citizens from the vagaries of a warming world.

[caption id="attachment_1225" align="alignleft" width="128"]Volunteer Volunteer[/caption]

Ecology Ottawa will continue to work with other groups and individual Ottawans to ensure that the City of Ottawa does follow through on its climate change plan by including funds in the 2015 budget for the plan’s implementation and then that the implementation actually happens.

Ecology Ottawa is volunteer driven and it has been volunteers who achieved the progress to date. If you would like to be part of the climate change campaign please sign up as a volunteer. Please complete our volunteer agreement and contact our climate change campaign leader Charles Hodgson .

Supporters with less time to volunteer should be sure to sign the Ottawa Climate Pledge.

See also these links on what you can do to fight climate change, the five point countdown:

#5 save energy

#4 divest from fossil fuel

#3 support a group

#2 stop tarsands pipelines

#1 tell politicians it matters

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