Ward 13 – Rideau-Rockliffe – Candidate Questionnaire Responses

Ecology Ottawa asked all candidates in the 2014 municipal election a series of questions on important environmental issues.

Complete Streets:

Many Ottawa streets are dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians and too many neighbourhoods lack affordable and convenient public transportation options. Badly designed streets discourage active and healthy lifestyles and limit transportation choices. In 2013, City Council adopted a Complete Streets policy that will put more emphasis on designing streets for all ages, abilities and users (pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users, as well as cars).


*indicates incumbent

If elected, will you commit to prioritizing pedestrian, cycling and affordable public transit infrastructure over automobile infrastructure in meeting the future growth in travel demand in the urban area? If elected, will you work to ensure that all new roads and road renewal projects integrate Complete Streets principles? The City's new transportation master plan increases funding for cycling infrastructure but delays many investments for over 15 years. If elected, will you work to increase the overall level of investment and accelerate the pace of implementation?
Peter D. Clark *  YES - I fully support a Complete Streets policy. Moving forward it is obvious we will have more and more residents seeking alternative modes of transportation which I believe is good for our city. It is our responsibility to have a vision of the future, meaning implementing smart and safe bike routes connecting the city, sidewalks that are walkable and accessible to all, and public transportation facilities that are efficient, safe and affordable. I was the Manor Park Community Association (MPCA) President when we negotiated the East West Bikeway along Hemlock Road. I have seen first-hand the benefits of that route.  YES -  the principle of designing Complete Streets is to consider the needs of all residents when considering street design. It is quite a paradigm shift from how this work used to be done even 15 years ago.We have done a one eighty in our street design. No longer do we design first for, what in many cases was, a “single user vehicle commuter”. Cars will always be a consideration in street design; it’s progressive that we now have a vision to include a variety of transportation options. It’s a smart city approach.  YES - It would appear on the surface the City’s new transportation plan is a prolonged one that delays the progress of completing our desire to connect the city through a cycling network. My hope is that, as demand grows, our priorities shift and it becomes evident that there is a greater need to get the work done, thus triggering the review of  the plan with a shorter timeline.
Cam Holmstrom  YES - I support the Complete Streets approach taken by the city and investment in pedestrian, cycling and proper, functional and affordable public transit infrastructure as a high priority to me.That must also work in concert with existing automobile and transit infrastructure to help create a more sustainable and forward-looking transportation network for our community. I believe that we can do both with sound planning and consultation with residents and make our transportation infrastructure work to give everyone the affordable options they require. We can do better with work and the political will to make it happen, and I want to help bring more of that will to the table.  YES - I believe that we must ensure that new road projects completely integrate Complete Streets principles. The day and age in which we only plan for only more automobile traffic at the expense of all other transportation (cycling, pedestrian, public transit) is over. We need elected representatives who recognize that fact and who will work towards implementing approaches like Complete Streets.  YES - I understand that because of circumstances that sometimes plans must be delayed. But a delay of over 15 years seems to be too much and not very reasonable. I believe that we need to see more investment in cycling infrastructure and if elected, I will work to try to realize that goal.
Jevone Nicholas  YES - The City has to use carrots instead of sticks to attract drivers out of their cars, and to have more people commute and get around through other modes. Thus, we have to make these modes more attractive and more efficient. I specifically want to explore a transit ring-road connecting all suburban hubs: Kanata—Barrhaven—South Keys—Orleans, so that rapid transit isn’t just for downtown commuters.  YES - We have an opportunity to build new subdivisions well by following Complete Streets principles. We can also reconfigure central streets so that they truly serve all users. Residential streets should not be commuter parkways; we should follow the Main Street precedent. Finally, when we think about alleviating congestion, let’s study how all modes can benefit, respecting the fact that many workers will require a car.  YES - We have a continuous opportunity to accelerate cycling infrastructure improvements as we build or rebuild roads. Incorporating lanes and signage is cheaper and easier once the steamrollers finish their job. We should give priority to cycling infrastructure that intersects with rapid transit. This means that, as we build light rail stations, we prioritize paths that lead to those stations and also adequate parking facilities.
Tobi Nussbaum  YES – Ottawa should design its transportation infrastructure to encourage public transit, walking and cycling. I have been an advocate for complete streets and have written about the need for Beechwood Avenue to become one (see here: http://www.votetobi.ca/content-engine/2014/1/28/ottawa-citizen-op-ed-the-beechwood-avenue-renaissance). Street design also has positive benefits for neighbourhoods, contributing to a liveable and sustainable city and better main streets (I’ve also written about that: http://www.votetobi.ca/content-engine/2014/7/ottawa-citizen-op-ed-time-to-reduce-ottawas-speed-limits-by-tobi-nussbaum). Neighbourhoods such as Hintonburg and Little Italy have been transformed through sidewalk-widening, street repair and other improvements to the pedestrian experience.  YES – However, not all streets are candidates for complete streets so it is important to distinguish those streets that act as connectors from complete streets themselves. For example, I advocated at city hall for St. Patrick Street to include bike lanes between King Edward and Cobourg. Although that stretch is not a candidate for a complete street, it is a critical connector between Beechwood and the Market. Complete streets play an important role in reducing congestion: cities that successfully cope with traffic have strong public transit systems and streets designed for people to walk and cycle.  YES – While keeping tax increases at or below the rate of inflation, I would explore ways to increase and accelerate investments in walking and cycling. It is important to emphasize the economic benefits of active transportation. While the City estimates the cost of driving to be 71 cents a kilometre (a combination of infrastructure costs, user costs and social costs such as pollution and congestion), transit comes in at 60 cents a kilometre, walking 20 cents and cycling a mere 16 cents a kilometre.
Sheila Perry  YES - A Complete Streets policy supports better design for every user.  Building a Liveable Ottawa and our Official Plan should include targets for increasing pedestrian, cycling and transit use.  Examples such as Bank Street and Centretown active transportation audits have resulted in positive renewal and  redesign of streets. As a participant in the Complete Streets forum in April,  I fully support these opportunities for Ward 13 and throughout Ottawa.  YES - Complete street principles are supported in the City of Ottawa Transportation Master Plan. Vulnerable users ie. pedestrians and cyclists must be considered. Design and emphasis on safety measures, maintenance, links to community networks and facilities are important. I have actively promoted connectivity links to neighbouring communities ie.  Donald/Somerset Bridge, St. Patrick Bridge lanes, NCC pathways. St. Laurent Blvd., Beechwood corridors require attention, with new infill development.  YES - Financial support should be directed to increasing safer cycling lanes on arterial road links.   This is very important for increasing ridership and connecting links to hubs.
Penny Thompson  YES - I fully support a Complete Streets policy. Moving forward it is obvious we will have more and more residents seeking alternative modes of transportation which I believe is good for our city. It is our responsibility to have a vision of the future, meaning implementing smart and safe bike routes connecting the city, sidewalks that are walkable and accessible to all, and public transportation facilities that are efficient, safe and affordable. I was the Manor Park Community Association (MPCA) President when we negotiated the East West Bikeway along Hemlock Road. I have seen first-hand the benefits of that route.  YES -  the principle of designing Complete Streets is to consider the needs of all residents when considering street design. It is quite a paradigm shift from how this work used to be done even 15 years ago.We have done a one eighty in our street design. No longer do we design first for, what in many cases was, a “single user vehicle commuter”. Cars will always be a consideration in street design; it’s progressive that we now have a vision to include a variety of transportation options. It’s a smart city approach.  YES - It would appear on the surface the City’s new transportation plan is a prolonged one that delays the progress of completing our desire to connect the city through a cycling network. My hope is that, as demand grows, our priorities shift and it becomes evident that there is a greater need to get the work done, thus triggering the review of  the plan with a shorter timeline.
Climate Change:

About 75 percent of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions come from activities that occur in cities, and municipalities have direct or indirect control over about half of these emissions. In 2014 the City of Ottawa adopted a new Air Quality and Climate Change Management Plan.


*indicates incumbent

Do you agree that human-induced climate change is an urgent issue and all levels of government have a role to play in helping to reduce community greenhouse gas emissions? If elected, will you push for the full implementation of the City of Ottawa’s Air Quality and Climate Change Management Plan, including items identified in the plan for the 2015 budget? The Air Quality and Climate Change Management Plan establishes the modest goal of reducing Ottawa’s greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent per capita by 2024, but leaves open a lot of space for new initiatives to emerge in the coming years. If elected, will you push for actions aimed at surpassing the current goal?
Peter D. Clark *  YES  YES  YES
Cam Holmstrom  YES - All levels of government have a role to play in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I believe that if other levels don't want to do their part, the municipal government should do what it can, within our jurisdictional boundaries, to take the lead and set the example.  YES - For any plan to work, all parts of it need to be implemented in their time. So in my opinion, a plan that is not fully implemented is not a plan at all. If we were serious enough to take the time to develop a plan for the city, we need to follow through and implement that time in order to show that we are in fact serious about taking this issue on.  YES - I am in favour of practical ideas that work. So if there are other practical ideas or new initiatives that could help us surpass our current goals, I would like to see how we could bring them forward and surpass our current goals. I have an open mind to what is possible.
Jevone Nicholas YES - The City is indirectly responsible for a lot of emissions. We have approved too many automobile-centric developments, which force individuals to use their cars. Retail sprawl is a major culprit. We have to stop forcing suburban residents into their car to get school supplies or milk. We also allow major destinations, from recreation centres, to colleges, to the airport, to become major emission sources, because a car is the most practical means to get there. YES - If any local companies or universities are ready to test alternative fuels for vehicles and/or buildings, then we should experiment.For any new construction on public lands (including the Rockcliffe Air Base), we should make green construction obligatory.If HydroOttawa's dividends continue to exceed budget projections, then the surplus should go to rebates for low-income individuals and to efficiency improvements for small businesses. YES - We need to update the land use strategy to explicitly identify suburban retail sprawl as a distinct driver of auto emissions. We need to revisit the Transportation Master Plan, to prioritize improved alternatives to reach major destinations. Finally, we need to proactively engage the federal government as it changes its office locations. Federal offices should become more concentrated, better served by transit and lower generators of heat.
Tobi Nussbaum  YES YES - And more. Having failed to meet its previous objectives (to reduce GHGs over 8 years by 20 percent by 2012 from 1990 levels) it is indefensible for the City to now decrease its level of ambition (to reduce GHGs over 10 years by 12 percent by 2024 from 2012 levels assuming certain population growth projections). But this is in fact what it has done. Moreover, the city’s plan shifts the burden of reduction entirely to the community level, and establishes no emissions target for city operations – the sector the city controls most directly. YES - The plan is very light on how the city will meet the commitments.  The five basic buckets set up for mitigation give no real sense of priority, costs or expected reductions. We need greater specificity and ambition.  So-called PACE initiatives - property-assessed clean energy - should be piloted in Ottawa and eventually include commercial and industrial sectors as well (I wrote about them here: http://www.votetobi.ca/content-engine/2014/1/28/op-ed-one-lesson-ottawa-can-take-from-toronto). In 2004, the City of Ottawa made a commitment “to…be the cleanest and smartest city in Canada in…the management of our energy use habits.”  More needs to be done to achieve that objective.
Sheila Perry  YES - All levels of government have an important role to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.   Incentives are required so that transit ridership increases and car use is reduced. Safer Cycling, pedestrian links and reliable bus transit connections to station hubs are needed. Innovative and greening construction design, solar panels and recycling are important. My plan includes group stakeholder discussions to seek collaborative solutions together.  YES - Climate change requires our attention and better planning to address air quality issues.  YES - The goal of reducing Ottawa greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 2024 is quite modest. The LRT hubs will provide an opportunity to increase  transit use and modal share.  This is a  tremendous opportunity to change our behaviour and reduce car use.  As a city councilor and leader, I believe that we can surpass this goal by creating incentives to take public transportation.
Penny Thompson YES - I do agree we need to set an example and recognize at all levels of government that we have a responsibility to reduce community greenhouse activities. We need to not only talk the talk, but we need to walk the walk in terms of our own actions, policies and governance. The sooner we do so, the better. YES -The short answer is yes, the long answer is that I still need to do some work to fully understand the complexity of this question vis-a-vis budget items. I do recognize that the City has acknowledged both issues. The OCH solar plan and the electric car charging station at City Hall are examples of good first steps. YES -I will work to accelerate the City's targets in the Plan in order to surpass the current goal.
Clean Water and Healthy Watersheds:

Every time it rains, a cocktail of contaminants (including bacteria, chemicals, fuels and heavy metals) washes off our streets and runs straight into our rivers and streams via the underground storm-sewer system. Ecology Ottawa wants the City of Ottawa to follow-through on its commitment to develop a Water Environment Strategy that improves stormwater management, invests in green infrastructure, reduces flooding, protects our streams, and makes it safer to swim and fish in our rivers.


*indicates incumbent

The City of Ottawa is developing a Water Environment Strategy that will provide a framework for action to promote clean drinking water, reduce the toxins going into our rivers, and protect communities and streams from flooding associated with severe weather. If elected, will you support the development of a strong strategy and prioritize the investments necessary to realize the strategy’s goals? The April 2014 Ontario Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) instructs planning authorities to promote green infrastructure measures (such as parklands, stormwater systems, wetlands, street trees, urban forests, natural channels, permeable surfaces, and green roofs) in order to reduce costs, protect ecosystems and adapt to extreme weather events. If elected, will you prioritize green infrastructure in addressing the City of Ottawa’s water management needs?   The production of clean water for public consumption has been falling over the past decade in Ottawa (ie., we are using less water). Between 2004 and 2013, the amount of clean water produced and used inside Ottawa fell from over 125,000 million litres to about 100,000 million litres (not including private wells). If elected will you commit to continuing this trend by prioritizing water conservation measures that reduce usage by 3 percent per year?
Peter D. Clark *  YES  YES  YES - We already promote conservation. Putting an artificial target would be counterproductive.
Cam Holmstrom  YES - It is important that we do as much preventative work to ensure that we keep our water sources as healthy as possible, for the long-term sustainability of our city. This is especially true when we see stories about other jurisdictions struggling to find enough potable water for their citizens. We are blessed to have the water resources we have and have to do what we can to ensure we continue to have that resource for generations to come. I strongly support this initiative.  YES - As the city grows and more people come to our city, green infrastructure will become more and more important to the long-term viability of our communities. Over time I want us to be ahead of the curve on the use of natural approaches, like green infrastructure, so that means putting it front and centre in our planning today and using them whenever we can to show that they work.  YES - With more and more residential and commercial properties either being renovated or built with more efficient features (like low-flow toilets for example), I find a 3% annual target to be a very reasonable target. We are becoming more conscious and more efficient as a society in our use of resources like water, so I believe a target like that can be reached and be continued over time.
Jevone Nicholas  YES - With respect to existing urban areas and operational farms, the WES has to provide measures that will directly address the threats of untreated runoff. These measures should include a mix of changes to operational practices (public and private sectors) as well as direct capital investments. For any future land use development in urban or rural areas, the WES should enforce policies requiring full assessment of any potential impacts on the watershed.  YES - Measures such as parklands and street trees do not simply address water management. They support other environmental and quality-of-life goals, such as clean air or neighbourhood ambiance. I would prioritize green infrastructure investments based on their cumulative impact on several environmental fronts. I would also explore incentives for private developments that incorporate water management features, such as permeable surfaces and green roofs.  YES - As the 2004 Water Efficiency Strategy expires this year, the new WES should incorporate conservation measures. The City has a dilemma. The less water residents use, the less meter revenue the City collects. Given that we finance the water/sewer system separate from property taxes, there is fiscal pressure not to conserve too much, or else we can’t pay for system maintenance. I call for a frank discussion on this financing, to find a formula to use less water while maintaining infrastructure
Tobi Nussbaum  YES - Ottawa is home to plentiful water resources which we should not squander through lack of attention or mismanagement. Instead, we should aim to have the cleanest waterways in Canada – befitting the nation’s capital and the importance of water to Canada’s history and identity. To succeed, Ottawa will need to work together with other cities and towns in Ontario and Quebec which also border our great rivers, conservation authorities and the provincial governments. The establishment of watershed (not just local) action plans would be an important vehicle to do so.  YES - The City must promote and in certain instances, itself install, green infrastructure. For example, tree planting should be mandated and costed in road construction projects. The benefits are many: increased urban forest, slower vehicular speed, aesthetic improvement, more permeable surface areas and pedestrian comfort. Another tool to be tried are incentives such as for green roof construction and the use of permeable pavement and rain gardens. Real savings in the construction and operation of infrastructure can be realized by taking advantage of the city’s natural capital and systems.  YES - The City should continue to encourage residents and businesses to further reduce their use of water. Incentives such as neighbourhood water reduction challenges should be considered. Water meters should be placed where residents can monitor their usage, and apps that track consumption could be piloted. On top of the ecological advantages, water conservation has clear economic benefits to residents, via lower bills, and to the city, through lower costs of water treatment and delivery.
Sheila Perry  YES - The Ottawa River watershed is precious and must be protected. Financial support at federal, provincial and local levels must support stormwater management for all. This investment will help to protect communities and streams in the National Capital Region from flooding and changing severity of weather patterns. As a participant in the Water Roundtable sessions held on June 14, 2014, it was obvious that this issue attracts strong support for a Water Environment Strategy in Ottawa.  YES - Greening practices must promote water conservation and pollution prevention. Strategies such as upgrades, repairs and intensification projects need to be addressed. A liveable Ottawa should promote the implementation of greening infrastructure measures such as downspouts, permeable road and development areas, rain barrels and green roofs.  YES - Water conservation measures continue to be important in the Ottawa area. Education, changing habits, improved technology and planning are tools and examples of water demand management.
Penny Thompson  YES - I am in favour of supporting the Water Environment Strategy as one of the projects of the overall Ottawa River Action Plan. I attended the Water Roundtable where agencies protecting our water environment participated and drew attention to the extensive watersheds in & around the city. One of those flood zones can be found in New Edinburgh. We saw this year sandbags going up as the river levels rose to a threatening level. Currently it's watched by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. I support the use of city funds foR  the engineering study commissioned to model the Rideau River waterflow.  YES - Green infrastructure IS the way of the future. Through the Green Infrastructure Fund, the Government of Canada supports projects that promote cleaner air, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner water. I support investing in these strategies. Locally we have seen the launch of a successful pilot project along Sunnyside with the installation of the “rain gardens” which will capture and treat storm water runoff. I am one of approximately fifteen members of the Public Advisory Group for the redevelopment of the former CFB Rockcliffe Lands where Green Infrastructure will be a major component of the development.  YES - I will prioritize water conservation measures. I believe we can do much more in terms of educating the public about conserving water usage. The City of Ottawa is currently in Phase III (the final phase) of the ten-year Water Efficiency Strategy. I support the introduction of financial disincentives for those who continue inefficient water usage but I strongly believe to address this issue, a public awareness and education campaign on smart water usage is required.
Healthy Urban Trees:

*indicates incumbent

 The Emerald Ash Borer infestation is killing millions of trees across Ottawa, including about 25 percent of the trees in the urban area. In response, organizations and individuals, including the City of Ottawa, are coming together to set the collective goal of planting a million trees in our nation’s capital as part of our contribution to Canada's 150 birthday celebration in 2017. If elected, will you support and prioritize investments towards this goal?  The City of Ottawa has announced its intention to develop a new Forest Management Strategy. If elected, will you support the development of a strong strategy and the investments necessary to realize the strategy’s goals? 
Peter D. Clark *  YES - I moved to put $1 million from year end adjustments in 2010-11 into Environmental reserves to fight this scourge, and every year since.  I am convinced we are going to meet these responsibilities.  YES - Subject subject to seeing a concrete proposal.
Cam Holmstrom  YES - Sadly in Rideau-Rockcliffe, we have lost many mature trees along the Rideau River in Overbrook to the Emerald Ash Borer. In my opinion, the loss of those mature tress and that tree canopy is a significant loss for the community. We need to promote more tree planting so that we can eventually re-gain some of that lost tree canopy, as those newly planted trees grow in the place of those mature trees we lost. As councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe, this will be a priority for me.  YES - As the Emerald Ash Borer has shown us, when we don't properly manage our urban trees, we cannot easily replace what we lose. A tree we plant today cannot replace the tree canopy today from a mature tree. It takes many years to get back to that point. So the pay-off of a proper forest management strategy can be big, preventing the loss of mature trees while allowing more trees to reach maturity. I strongly support seeing a proper strategy brought forward.
Jevone Nicholas  YES - I support the laudable goal of seeking a million new trees by 2017. I believe that this target should also include efforts taken by organizations and individuals, at their own expense. So long as all proper rules are followed, the City should fully endorse grassroots efforts to plant trees. With respect to street and schoolyard trees planted by the City, I would personally like to see more evergreens, to enhance our winterscapes.  YES - The list of the City’s environmental policies and strategies conspicuously lacks a vision for forests. We need to complete this gap. Given that so much of the City’s forests are under federal ownership, I suggest a joint strategy with the NCC, with respective regulatory obligations well articulated. The Strategy has to have explicit declarations on which areas must remain forested and why. There have been too many battles over developments which threaten to cut trees.
Tobi Nussbaum  YES - Rebuilding our natural green canopy in a city known for its green spaces would be a great way for Ottawa to mark Canada’s 150th celebration. Trees play a truly valuable role by absorbing carbon dioxide, shading people and buildings during warm summer months, contributing to a more attractive city and softening the urban build environment.  Not least, trees add immeasurably to a natural environment that so many of us enjoy in our daily lives here in Ottawa.  YES - I will support the development of a strong strategy, and if it is wisely crafted, the required investments. In particular, the city needs to ensure that the urban boundary is used effectively to protect existing forests. We are extremely fortunate to have such an extensive forest cover within the city limits but have the responsibility to ensure it is not lost as the city grows.
Sheila Perry  YES - Ward 13 has lost 100's of ash trees due to the Emerald Ash Borer. Workshops, awareness and collective efforts are important to promote a variety of tree species throughout Ottawa. As a City Councillor, I will promote tree planting support from NCC, Ecology Ottawa, City of Ottawa Forestry and other groups. Improving our tree canopy is very important for the environment, and is a great goal for Canada's 150th celebration.  YES - I look forward to supporting a collaborative Forest Management Strategy that engages interest groups and commitment at all levels.  Funding for this strategy should be inclusive.
Penny Thompson  YES - The impact of the Emerald Ash Borer infestation has been devastating. The support the goal of planting a million trees in our city prior to 2017. I have supported investments for tree conservation in the City of Ottawa. In 2013 as Chair of The Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC), we recommended the City of Ottawa purchase Armstrong Road Woods, Shea Road Woods and Rock Knoll Park. Further, ESAC supported the staff recommendation of the development of the Environmentally Sensitive Land Stewardship Framework. I’m a tree hugger and proud of it.  YES - Having a Forest Management Strategy is a key step for the city and residents to understand the importance of preserving and furthering the growth and development of our tress and forests. With a plan and strategy in place, it becomes clear; we as a city, are committed.
Proposed Oil Pipeline Threatens Ottawa Water and Communities:

TransCanada wants to move more than a million barrels a day of tar sands oil through the City of Ottawa and across the World Heritage Rideau River on its way to export terminals in eastern Canada. The proposed “Energy East” pipeline puts communities and waterways in danger all along the pipeline route.

Candidate*indicates incumbent Do you think the City of Ottawa should conduct a thorough and independent assessment of the risks and costs that the proposed Energy East pipeline poses to the health of Ottawa's communities and water?  Would you oppose the Energy East Pipeline if it was demonstrated that it threatened the health of Ottawa's water, climate and communities? Should the City of Ottawa intervene in the National Energy Board review of the proposed Energy East pipeline in order to ensure that the interests of the people of Ottawa are well represented? 
Peter D. Clark *  NO - Senior governments' responsibility.  YES  YES - after a report to Environment Committee and Council.
Cam Holmstrom  YES - I believe that for any major energy project to be acceptable, there must to be a full & proper environmental assessment, along with proper consultation with communities and Aboriginal communities affected by the project. In my opinion, the current process put in place by the federal government falls short of that standard. I would support a motion from the City of Ottawa opposing this project, would strong support council directing city staff to intervene in the Energy Board process in opposition to this project and would support supplying funds to local groups to fund watershed studies and alike, in line with past practice when council has supported opposition to particular projects.  YES - If it is proven in a proper, objective assessment that the Energy East Pipeline is not safe and threatens our environment, I would absolutely oppose it. I would also oppose this project if the proponent was not able to get the appropriate social license to support it.  YES - Absolutely, instead of the city doing it's own assessment, the city should intervene strongly with the NEB. This is the venue where the city can have the most effect in the assessment process. It is the job of the city to intervene in any NEB review of any project that directly affects our city. Furthermore, I believe that the city should publish all of the cities submissions to the NEB when they are made so that residents are informed of the positions taken by the city.
Jevone Nicholas  YES - The City should follow existing precedent as happened for interprovincial pipelines already in operation.  YES - Based on a thorough and independent assessment.  YES - The City should state its position as a matter of record.  Private landowners, advocacy groups and First Nations communities should undertake their own interventions, as per the normal process.
Tobi Nussbaum  YES - If the current Ontario Energy Board process to consult with the Ontario public and prepare for its role as an intervener at the National Energy Board hearings does not adequately cover Ottawa’s concerns and interests, the City should supplement that process to ensure its specific issues are examined and evaluated.  YES - A failure to address risks to communities, climate and the safety and security of our water would result in my opposition to the pipeline.  YES - In light of the fact that the City of Ottawa would be the largest metropolitan area through which the existing pipeline conversion would take place, City Hall needs to participate as an intervener in the review.
Sheila Perry  YES - Although the decision making on the proposed Energy East pipeline is controlled by the National Energy Board, local impacts must be considered. For this reason, I support an Ottawa and local based risk assessment of the proposal.  YES -  The final decision on the Energy East Pipeline rests with the National Energy Board approval. However, local impacts and communities must be respected.  A risk assessment is essential for  Ottawa community approval.  Until all facts and implications are known, it is not possible to support this project.  YES - The City of Ottawa must insist on a risk assessment.
As a city councilor, it is part of my responsibility to ensure safety and the interests of the people of Ottawa.
Penny Thompson  YES -  I agree with Ecology Ottawa 100% on this issue; there is far more risk than reward. Our rivers and farmlands are treasures and I am not prepared to risk their future existence. The City of Ottawa must take a leadership position on this issue. At the very least the City should know the facts. I would support an independent assessment of the costs and risks. I am concerned that a retrofit of a 55 year old pipeline will not be able to handle the 1.1 million barrels of crude oil per day.  YES -  I am grateful we have organizations like Ecology Ottawa who voice, organize and create awareness regarding critical environmental issues such as the pipeline. I have signed the petition and will stand with any organization who opposes this pipeline.  YES - I cannot think of a more impactful statement then one signed by our Mayor and all 23 City Councillors standing together to say no to the National Energy Board. Councillors are elected to represent the best interests of the people. Here’s our chance.

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