Electric Vehicles and Ottawa’s Climate Change Management Plan

To coincide with Friday's Electric Vehicle Showcase taking place on Sparks Street, Ecology Ottawa is releasing its report Electric Vehicles and Ottawa’s Climate Change Management Plan.

The report goes beyond the City's Air Quality and Climate Change Management Plan commitments to increase the City's own electric vehicle fleet and encourage a city wide network of charging stations. The report details and quantifies some of the benefits of expanded electric vehicle use in Ottawa such as cost savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The report also recommends additional specific actions the City can undertake, including specific partners with whom they can engage and specific considerations that will make a network of charging stations most successful.

voltEcology Ottawa will have a presence at the September 19th Electric Vehicle Showcase taking place on Sparks Street with an Ecology Ottawa and Ecology Ottawa Volunteer, and Chevy Volt owner Charles Hodgson on hand.

Thanks to volunteers from Sustainable Prosperity,  Clean Energy Canada, and Plug 'n Drive who helped put the report together.

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