Glashan Used Clothing Drive

Earth Day is coming up and Tree Ottawa collaborators are going hard organizing fantastic community events! The Glashan Greening Project (Find out more here: is launching their clothing drive to raise money to green-up their school!
Here are the four things you can do:
1. Collect up used clothing (bag) and household goods (box) and send it to school with your Glashan student (before May 1) or drop it at one of the community drop off dates. Note that the clothing can be stained, torn, etc as well since the stuff will get sorted and non-reusable fabric will go to fibre recycling.
2. Come out for a free coffee and join us at the Earth Day Launch Celebration!!! There should be music, famous people to hob-nob with (like our Principal Jim Tayler, Trustee Erica Braunovan & Jim Watson the Mayor). Main activities will be 8 to 9:15am, but coffee & hot chocolate will be hottest and plenty at 7:30am.
3. If you would like to volunteer for a shift for the Used Clothing Drive, sign up here:
Note that you are very welcome to bring your kids for parent-kid volunteer teams, and note that this is a good way to learn more about the Glashan Schoolyard Greening Project and get more active with the Glashan Green Team.
4. Help with Promotion. Mention the Used Clothing Drive to your friends & colleagues. Pick your channel:
a) Friends who do e-mail: Forward this info link (includes drop off schedule).
b) Friends who are on Facebook.
c) Colleagues & community: Put up one poster in a suitable place or hand out a few hand-bills to your friends (attached)
Spread the word Collaborators!
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