Successful Depave at St. Anthony


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Huge thanks to everyone who helped make Depave Paradise 2015 a success!

This Saturday, June 20th a team of more than 30 community volunteers tackled the tearing up around 900 square feet of asphalt at St. Anthony Catholic School. The transformation that unfolded will not only provide benefits for the environment, but it will also create a more enjoyable schoolground that children can feel safe in.

Each volunteer arrived in their working boots and with the willingness to go the extra mile. Parents, community members, and volunteers alike started the day off with a pre-work stretch alongside MP Dewar, MPP Naqvi, and Councillor McKenney. After that, pry bars, wheelbarrows, and shovels were the tools of choice in order to dispose of asphalt throughout the schoolground.

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The amount of effort put in by each and every volunteer was phenomenal and the community support received showed just how important of an event this was for both people and the planet.

This plan was envisioned by the collaborative work of Andrew Harvey of Evergreen Canada and St. Anthony Catholic School’s students, teachers, and principal who will also be involved in the next step of the project.

Now that the asphalt is removed, the next step will be to replant those spaces with beautiful native species of flowers and herbs. This planting will take place in the fall, once the students have returned to school.

Thanks again to everyone who supported, planned, and executed the event. More great photos can be found under the hashtag #DepaveParadise2015 and on the Ecology Ottawa Facebook group.

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