Kanata North Butternut Trees and Blanding's Turtles habitat threatened

Some 3000 homes are going to be built in Kanata North threatening the forest of Butternut trees and Blanding’s Turtle habitat that reside there.


These lands are noted by the region to be of ecological significance and a habitat for endangered species. However, the environmental assessment report states that around 150 trees will be clear cut and the Developer’s only have to plant one tree for every seven it destroys and the planting can be “offsite”. The habitat for the largest Blanding’s Turtle population in Eastern Canada will be destroyed and the Developer’s only have to promise to provide a “net benefit” for the turtles. Sadly, the developer’s only have to note the species on the list of what they are destroying and once the checklist is complete for land they are finished with their accountability.

Greenspace Alliance has noted that some of the butternuts may not be allowed to be removed because the diseased trees are of value to scientists conducting research. And if the trees are not diseased, they are only allowed to remove ten from the area and replaced with seedlings.


This is such an ecological disaster. Please write to Greenspace Alliance, The City of Ottawa and Kanata Lakes Councillors with any solutions for these endangered habitat’s.

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