Ecology Ottawa’s 1 million tree initiative Tree Ottawa is hosting a community meeting to discuss how we can green up Nepean.
With the Emerald Ash Borer devastating our urban forests we are in a unique position to shape the future of our greenspace. We need to have an open discussion with landowners, decision makers, and citizens about how we want that future to look and how we are all going to work together to get there!
Come join Ecology Ottawa, your community associations, the NCC, the City of Ottawa and other concerned neighbours for an evening discussing and celebrating our greenspace.
On Wednesday August 12th 2015 come help shape the future of greenspace in Nepean at Centerpoint Theater at 7pm. RSVP at
Can’t make it to the meeting? Pass the event details along to your friends and encourage your local representatives to attend.
Questions? Email us at [email protected]