Complete Streets Campaign Update

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Sherbourne Road Audit

On Monday, September 14th over 55 people either walked or cycled along Sherbourne Road marking down their observations and suggestions for improvement as part of the Sherbourne road cycling and walkability audit. The Ottawa community has many people of all ages and abilities who care!

To see pictures from the audit go to: Ecology Ottawa Facebook.

The audit has been followed up with an electronic survey that has been circulated to those who signed the petition for a safer Sherbourne Road and to others who could not attend on the 14th.


Join us on October 7th at 9:30 am at the City of Ottawa Transportation Committee meeting. The committee will be voting on the Complete Streets Implementation Framework.  This will define how the Complete Streets Policy is prioritized and implemented in all transportation projects.

Ottawa needs streets that provide safe and comfortable access for people of all ages, abilities and modes of travel–including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists. The adoption of this framework will get us there. You can bring faster transformation to the Ottawa streetscape by helping in these ways:



Our Complete Streets Organizer, Aija Auzina, will be attending the Complete Streets Forum October 1st in Toronto to learn more about how our campaign can be even more effective. It’s important to educate ourselves and to work in concert with our allies to make active transportation the new normal!



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