Ottawa Horticultural Society Event: Edibles in the Garden: Vegetables and Yummy Additions: with Paul Zammit

Join the Ottawa Horticultural Society on October 27th at 7:30 p.m for an exciting event featuring Paul Zammit, the Director of The Toronto Botanical Garden. The session is called "Edibles in the Garden: Vegetables and Yummy Additions: Paul Zammit" and will be held at Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview Road in Ottawa.



Paul Zammit is the Nancy Eaton Director of Horticulture at the Toronto Botanical Garden. A graduate of the University of Guelph's Plant Agriculture program, Paul is an active member of many Canadian and international gardening communities. He lectures on a wide array of subjects, including container gardening, perennials, ground covers and tropicals. He is a regular speaker at garden clubs and horticultural trade shows across Canada and in the United States. He has appeared both on television and in print.

img2259147083b876474e On The Toronto Botanical Garden website, Paul writes many helpful tips on various species of plants for the avid and novice gardener. He is an expert on cultivating edibles for the garden and will teach his skills and tricks to those interested in permaculture during the workshop in Ottawa.

The Permaculture institute of Eastern Ontario describes the practice as follows, “Permaculture - the ethics, principles and design process - is based on living systems. Permaculture draws upon both traditional and scientific knowledge. It can be applied to physical systems (eg. farms, gardens, cities) and to social systems (eg. organisational flows, business models, school curricula) anywhere. Certain land-based techniques and applications (eg. sheet mulching, infiltration swales, chicken tractors) are commonly used in permaculture. However, permaculture design is more than just techniques. It is a holistic way of understanding and interacting with systems.”



Come out and join the Ottawa Horicultural Society for this dynamic session. Members of the OHS are asked to bring their membership card. Non-members will be required to pay a 10$ fee at the door. Many people will be expected, please arrive early to guarantee yourself a seat.


For more information on the OHS event please visit,

For a glimpse of Paul’s work and knowledge please also visit: ______________________________________________________ ******Please note this is not a TreeOttawa or Ecology Ottawa Event********

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