Knocked on More Than 6,000 Doors - Mike's Energy East FAQ
Mike Fletcher's piece at tells us why he's worked so hard to stop TransCanada Corporation's Energy East pipeline project. It sums up what he's found out in one easy to understand package.
City of Ottawa staff have identified an excellent opportunity to advance ecology in Ottawa: the purchase of a 223-acre forested parcel near Fitzroy Harbour. The hitch? It may not make it through City Council. Read on for details—and what you can do.
Last year was a big one for our Rewilding Ottawa program. It saw the planting of three pollinator gardens with community groups in different Ottawa locations, advocacy for—and ultimately the adoption of—new regulations concerning the stewardship of boulevards, the widespread sharing of information about both of these so that Ottawans across the City could foster biodiversity in their own communities. Read the report!
The morning on which the 2025 budget came to Ottawa City Council for voting, we joined several organizations calling for a budget that serves all Ottawans. You can listen to a portion of our remarks here, or read them in their entirety below.