Tamarack Institute Presents: Community Engagement - The Next Generation


Community Engagement The Next Generation

Ottawa ON | March 9-11, 2016

This will be a three-day workshop lead by Paul Born, Mark Holmgren and Rachel Gainer, hosted at the Westin Hotel. Please check here for registration rates.

You will learn the latest engagement techniques and interact with the technology that will transform how you engage your clients, customers, funders and partners. Through dialogue with leaders in the field of engagement and social change, you will enhance your capacity to effectively hear the voices of those you serve and learn key strategies to mobilize them toward a collective impact.

Please check out the detailed workshop agenda by clicking here.

Together we will explore and learn to apply:

  • A toolkit for Community Engagement practices
  • Proven techniques that companies have been using for years to increase customer loyalty
  • Systems change theory and the role engagement plays in building movements for change
  • Engagement technologies and the amazing power these have given us to listen to and communicate effectively with large groups of people
Read more about the event or information about the Tamarack Institution by clicking here.

Click to Register Now for the workshop.


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