Ottawa Chamber of Commerce's Tar Sands Event on eve of Earth Day: Some Facts

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You may have read our press release and our letter, calling on the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce to cancel their insensitive event, promoting a tar sands pipeline on the eve of Earth Day. Here is some more information about the events and its organization. This event is a partnership, but there is no question that this is an Ottawa Chamber of Commerce event.

On April 21st, the day before Earth Day, Stefan Baranski, the Ontario Director of TransCanada corporation is scheduled to give a talk in Ottawa titled Energy East: New Jobs, Investment, Growth for Ontario. This talk would be the highlight of an Eggs n' Icons event presented by the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce and Ottawa Business Journal, at the Sheraton Ottawa.

The title of the talk, Energy East: New Jobs, Investment, Growth for Ontario, is identical to the title of an August 13, 2015 press release signed by Tim McMillan (President and CEO of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers) and Allan O'Dette (CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce), among others.

As mentioned on the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce website, Eggs n' Icons is a series of networking events which feature “prominent business leaders” as guest speakers. The Chamber claims ownership over these events, as evidenced by their February 17th Facebook post asking readers to “Register now for our March 24 Eggs n’ Icons event […]”.

All of the Chamber’s events are said to be “Powered by: Ottawa Business Events”, according to their website. Ottawa Business Events claims to be a full services event production company, and a partnership between the Ottawa Business Journal, and the Chamber. It appears to be the same production company that organizes the mayor’s breakfast series. The Ottawa Business Events address, listed on their Facebook page, is the same as the Ottawa Business Journal’s, listed on their website. On the same Facebook page, the official website listed is that of the Ottawa Business Journal.

As can be read on the Ottawa Business Journal’s Website, the Eggs n’ Icons series, along with all of the Ottawa Business events, are co-produced by the Ottawa Business Journal and the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce.  Finally, all events are hosted on the Chamber’s website, and the Ottawa Business Journal’s event page links back to the Chamber’s website.

All this, however, is somewhat misleading, since there is also another company named Great River Media, also claiming to be the organizers of these events, even though they are not mentioned anywhere on either the Chamber’s nor the Ottawa Business Journal’s website.

Regardless of who actually organized these events, the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce is clearly responsible for them, their guests, and their topics, and has the final say in who, and what gets talked about.

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