The National Energy Board approved a new Kinder Morgan pipeline which would run through Alberta and British Columbia and this, unfortunately, comes as no surprise. The NEB has proved time and time again that it is out of touch with the people of Canada. In this particular case, the pipeline has been approved despite opposition from seventeen First Nations in BC and Alberta, as well as twenty municipalities representing over 2 million people. Fortunately, the out of touch NEB does not have the final say in this matter. Prime Minister Trudeau and his Cabinet must approve this pipeline before it can move forward and they have no choice but to reject this pipeline given the immense opposition that has existed for five long years across British Columbia. No pipeline should move forward, especially when the people it will impact most have made it clear that they reject it and the devastating effects that come with it.
In the midst of the Liberal government’s Canada Climate Action consultations, this their opportunity to prove that they are listening to Canadians. Representatives from Ecology Ottawa were present at Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna’s consultation and the people of Ottawa Centre were clear when they said that they did not want any new pipelines. Ottawans understand the devastating impact that pipelines have on cities, communities, and the climate due to our experiences thus far with the proposed Energy East pipeline which would run right through Ottawa. We stand strong in our opposition to new pipelines and stand with the people of British Columbia as they fight for the future of their province and environment.
People across Canada are uniting in the fight against new pipelines. We know that the government can’t both approve new pipelines and keep their commitment to address climate change. We must all keep up the fight against pipelines and talk with our elected representatives. Whether they are an MP, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change as is the case here in Ottawa Centre, or the Prime Minister, they have no choice but to reject this devastating pipeline without permission from the people.
The Kinder Morgan pipeline faces insurmountable opposition in the lower mainland in British Columbia and the sooner Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister McKenna accept this and reject it, the better. After that is done, they can move to rejecting the equally devastating Energy East Pipeline which faces an equally insurmountable and ever-increasing opposition from people across the country. The fight here in Ottawa, however, will last for another two years according to the timeline provided by the NEB and we need your help to stay strong and sustain our efforts.
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