#CanClimateAction Town Halls Come to Ottawa West-Nepean

The next iteration of the Canada Climate Action consultations will be held in Ottawa West-Nepean on Saturday, 4 June. There, MP Anita Vandenbeld will meet with constituents to hear their thoughts on climate change and how we as a country can best ameliorate the effects thereof. It will be held at Saint-Paul High School at 2675 Draper Avenue, beginning at 3:30pm in Room 172 and ending at 5:30pm. Much like the events in Ottawa Centre and Ottawa South with Catherine McKenna and David McGuinty, respectively, this is an historic opportunity for people to tell their elected representatives that climate change must be taken seriously. Make sure to RSVP!

We must seize this opportunity to tell our elected representative in the House of Commons that climate change needs to be taken seriously and that the government has an important role to play in moving toward a sustainable economy and greener cities. One of the major issues facing Ottawa today when it comes to environmental security and sustainability is the proposed Energy East pipeline. TransCanada submitted the application for this pipeline to the National Energy Board just weeks ago. While the review process moves forward we must ensure that our MP’s and the Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, know that Ottawans do not want a bitumen pipeline running through their backyard community.

When you’re at the town hall, keep a few things in mind and be sure to highlight important points. Overall, make sure to tell your story and be heard. There are five topics that the MP wants to discuss at this consultation:

  • How and where to reduce emissions.
    • Canada can do that by not building high-carbon infrastructure, including oil pipelines, LNG terminals, and fossil fuel-fired power plants, and instead seizing the economic opportunities in the clean energy economy and creating one million clean, safe, rewarding jobs.
  • Ideas for new technology and job creation.
    • The federal government can maximize opportunities in the clean energy economy by phasing out fossil fuels over time, making investments in clean energy, and giving incentives for the private and community sector to also make those investments and develop alternative energy projects in communities.
  • How to put a price on carbon.
    • A minimum carbon price must apply to all polluting sectors in all provinces across Canada.
    • That price has to be high enough to reflect the social and environmental costs of developing dirty energy projects, and must rise over time so that carbon emissions drop quickly enough for Canada to meet its Paris commitments to limit warming to 1.5 degrees and ensure a safe climate and future.
  • Preparing for the impacts of climate change.
    • The impacts of climate change are being increasingly felt across Canada: storms, flooding and intense weather events; insect infestations and fires in Canada’s forests; degraded ecosystems and impacts on Indigenous cultures that depend on them; and many more.
  • General ideas on climate change reduction
    • Reject all new pipelines in Canada, including the Energy East Pipeline which will run through Ottawa.

Events like these, especially when scheduled on such short notice, require a lot of staffing power and resources. If you are unable to make it to this consultation but would like to help make events like these possible, please donate to Ecology Ottawa today so we can continue the fight to make Ottawa the green capital of Canada. Also, ‘like’ us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more updates about this ongoing consultation process in Ottawa.

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