Celebrating the Champlain Oaks Project: Riverine Forest Gets New Trees


On Saturday, September 17, 2016, Riverine Forest was the site of an important urban tree planting project.

Riverine Forest is a small woodland located on the edge of Champlain Park in the Westboro neighbourhood of Ottawa.  Residents and volunteers from the Champlain Park Community Association (CPCA), with the support of the National Capital Commission (NCC), gathered to plant 25 new trees.

Riverine Forest had suffered tree loss when the NCC cleared the understory of dead ash trees and buckthorn overgrowth. The ultimate goal of Saturday’s planting was to introduce native and near-native tree species and to encourage the forest to develop a mature forest floor filled for flora and fauna.

The project was supported by generous donations of materials and supplies from community organizations and volunteers, and by a grant from the Champlain Park Community Association.

The 25 trees planted included

  • Yellow Birch
  • Poplar
  • Bur Oaks
  • American Chestnuts
The forest connects Ottawa residents to walking trails in the area, and is home to a group of migratory warblers.  The NCC has plans for future plantings in other parts of the forest next spring.

Congratulations to all who helped with this important planting, and thank you for investing time, energy, and resources into growing Ottawa’s urban canopy!

For a detailed description of this important event, and to find out how you can get involved in future projects, visit: http://www.champlainoaks.com/2016/09/fostering-forest-succession-in-champlain-park/

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