Thank you for making the Ottawa Park Summit and Earth Day Celebration a success

DSC_0600Last Saturday, April 22, Ecology Ottawa celebrated Earth Day with two exciting events, the inaugural Ottawa Park Summit and Earth Day Celebration, and both events were a great success!

At the Ottawa Park Summit, 100 representatives from community associations, non-profit, and concerned citizens from over 50 groups came together to discuss better parks in the city. We heard from Dave Harvey of Park People about how communities get involved, parks get better, and Kevin Wherry about how the City of Ottawa organizes around parks. We also had great conversations about exciting things happening in parks in Ottawa, key concerns, and potential for future work around parks.

The Ottawa Park Summit would not have been possible without the help from the steering committee and sponsors, Park People, Greenspace Alliance, EnviroCentre, Social Planning Council of Ottawa, Federation of Citizens' Associations, Just Food, Westboro Community Association, Riverview Park  Community Association, Centretown Citizens Community Association, Sierra Club Canada Foundation. We would like to also thank Green Rebel and Bridgehead for providing the food and drinks for the event.

The Earth Day Celebration immediately followed the Ottawa Park Summit. We enjoyed the company of over 100 other like-minded people who care about and work so hard to protect our planet, great snacks and drinks, excellent tunes, and a great time celebrating the Earth.

We would like to thank comedian Martha Chaves for hosting our event, to DJ Goldilocks/ Cat Abreu of the Climate Action Network for the great tunes to help us party like the Earth depends on it. Beau's Brewery, Clocktower Brewpub, Green Rebel, and the Courtyard Restaurant provided food and drinks for the events, and Terra20 sponsored our celebration. Special thanks to Moksha Yoga Orleans, Maitland Massage Therapy, Life Without Plastic, Brittania Yacht Club, Smoke's Poutinerie, EcoParent, Lunapads, The Table Restaurant, Diva Cup, The Works Westboro, Terra20, Ottawa Organics, Rainbow Foods, Marshall's Integrated Fitness, TerraVelta, and SconeWitch for donating prizes to the raffle.

Lastly, both events would not have been possible without the great volunteer team that worked so hard on the preparation and on the day of.

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