June 22nd-25th Tree Giveaway Events!

This weekend, we are going to some of the biggest festivals of the summer to give away HUNDREDS of FREE trees, including the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival.


Here are the events we’ll be at this weekend. If you’re in the area and want to pick a tree (or just want a friendly face to say hi…we’re super friendly!), drop on by!

June 22nd-25th: Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival: Mooney's Bay. This is the biggest event we have all summer! We'll be there Thursday and Friday 5pm-8pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 10am-8pm. It's going to be jam-packed with people, so you'll want to make sure to snag a tree before they're all taken!

Other events we'll be at with free trees:

Saturday, June 24th:

Summer Social: Kilreen Park (1240 Southwood Drive)

Westboro Beach Community Association Event: Westboro Beach

Sunday, June 25th:

Eid El - Fitr Summer Festival: EY Centre (Ernest & Young)


If you haven't gotten your free tree yet, or want to get a few more, come on out to see us!

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