Volunteer opportunities: Join our team this summer

If you're looking for more ways to enjoy the summer and help promote healthy greenspace, advocate for clean energy or divert waste from landfills, Ecology Ottawa has you covered. Check out our volunteer positions below!

1. Volunteer for the Green Team at the Canadian Pacific Women's Golf Tournament, August 21-27

The Ladies Professional Golf Association will be teeing off late August at the Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club. Come join us to keep the grounds clean and green as thousands of fans gather to see the stars in action. We are looking for a group of committed volunteers to help make this week long event run without a hitch.

This is a great opportunity for golf fans, who will get free access to the event as part of their volunteer package. 

Sign up to volunteer at this event today! If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Forrester at [email protected]

2. Volunteer for the Renewable City team to make a real clean energy strategy a priority at city hall.

This summer, we are mobilizing Ottawa's residents to ensure that a real clean energy strategy is brought forward to council before the end of the year. Help us booth events, conduct door-to-door canvass, phone bank, translate our materials or enter data.

Join us at our weekly orientation event if you're interested in joining any of the teams above!

3. Volunteer to help our Tree team give away trees and strengthen Ottawa's urban canopy

Ecology Ottawa is embarking on an unprecedented effort to give away thousands of trees in Ottawa, and we can't do it without you! We have thousands of trees looking to “take root” in Ottawa this summer. Be part of the team that helps these seedlings find their new homes!

The Tree team is looking for volunteers to put tags on trees before they go to events, go to festivals and events across Ottawa giving away trees, enter data into our database, and translate our material between English and French.

To join the Tree team, drop Kaila a line at [email protected]

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