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On April 16, councillor Shawn Menard will table a motion to the Environment Committee declaring a Climate Emergency and proposing bold actions to safeguard Ottawa’s neighbourhoods and ecosystems. Help us build support for this motion by contacting your councillor and asking them to vote in support of this motion. Whether you speak to a staffer or leave a voicemail, your direct call lets your councillor know what their constituents care about climate action.

Below are all councillors and their phone number. The bolded councillors are on the Environment Committee, and will be directly voting on the motion on April 16. If the motion passes committee, it will go to council and be voted on by all councillors on April 24th. Your advocacy is critical to the outcome of the vote.

  • Matthew Luloff (Orleans) - 613-580-2471
  • Laura Dudas (Innes) - 613-580-2472
  • Jan Harder (Barrhaven) - 613-580-2473
  • Jenna Sudds (Kanata North) - 613-580-2474
  • Eli El-Chantiry (West Carleton-March) - 613-580-2475
  • Glen Gower (Stittsville) - 613-580-2476
  • Theresa Kavanagh (Bay) - 613-580-2477
  • Rick Chiarelli (College) - 613-580-2478
  • Keith Egli (Knoxdale-Merivale) - 613-580-2479
  • Diane Deans (Gloucester-Southgate) - 613-580-2480
  • Tim Tierney (Beacon Hill-Cyrville) - 613-580-2481
  • Matthieu Fleury (Rideau-Vanier) - 613-580-2482
  • Catherine McKenney (Somerset) - 613-580-2484
  • Jeff Leiper (Kitchisippi) - 613-580-2485
  • Riley Brockington (River) - 613-580-2486
  • Shawn Menard (Capital), Vice-Chair of the Environment Committee - 613-580-2487
  • Jean Cloutier (Alta Vista) - 613-580-2488
  • Stephen Blais (Cumberland) - 613-580-2489
  • George Darouze (Osgoode) - 613-580-2490
  • Scott Moffatt (Rideau-Goulbourn), Chair of the Environment Committee - 613-580-2491
  • Carol Anne Meehan (Gloucester-South Nepean) - 613-580-2751
  • Allan Hubley (Kanata South) - 613-580-2752

Not sure what to say? Here are some suggested talking points.

  • UN scientists, in the latest IPCC report, warned that we only have until 2030 to reverse the worst damage of climate change, and that is only 3 terms away.
  • Climate change is already happening in Ottawa, with the tornadoes and heat waves last summer, or erratic freeze-thaw cycles this winter. We cannot afford not to act. 
  • There is huge momentum building among cities across Canada to not only declare their commitment to climate change, but to also build a better city that's energy efficient, well connected by sustainable modes of transportation, and resilient in a changing climate.
  • Will you commit to voting yes on the April 16 motion to declare climate emergency?

Tell us here how the phone call went.

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