Need a green break? We've got a webinar for that!

How are you doing? These are strange and difficult times, and as much as we all know that physical distancing is what’s needed to combat this global pandemic, it doesn’t make the process easier. Here at Ecology Ottawa, we’ve been thinking about how we can continue to engage Ottawans and give you the tools to green-up your communities.

Staying at home doesn’t have to be boring. With spring on its way, this is a chance to learn more about our living city, form community connections and foster more resilient neighbourhoods.

We’re launching a Living City webinar series on all things local and green – from tree identification, to rain gardens, to urban biodiversity. But we need your help to make this happen.

Click here to complete our short survey and tell us which topics appeal to you.

At some point, this crisis period will end. We will once again be able to explore the beautiful natural spaces – like Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt and local parks – that make Ottawa such an incredible place to call home.

For now, our focus has to be hyper-local, but don’t let that deceive you into thinking that this makes it limited. There are entire worlds of beauty and complexity in the plants, animals and natural systems right outside our doors. Let’s discover them together.  

Take the survey!

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