The Province's Bill 23 'More Homes Built Faster Act', uses the housing crisis as a cover for destroying tenant and environmental protections. All the while building unaffordable homes on wetlands & farmland and bankrupting municipalities across Ontario.
Join Ottawa ACORN, Ecology Ottawa, Horizon, CAWI, city councillors and the many other organizations and residents organizing against Bill 23 for a rally on Wednesday, December 7th at 9AM at the Provincial Courthouse (161 Elgin St).
Public consultations on the bill end Dec 9th - we need all of Ottawa to stand together against Bill 23! You can RSVP to attend the rally here.
Learn more about Bill 23 here.
We urge you to contact your MPP - especially if they are Progressive Conservative and might sway the trajectory of Bill 23. Write an email, call their office, arrange a visit. Every constituent they hear from on this matter might help stop this.