Let's ask city hall to send the new Civic hospital plan back to the drawing board. The recently released hospital plan breaks a promise to put a parking garage underground and will doom 523 trees because of the area to be cleared, not only for the hospital building, but other buildings and other parking lots. With the climate crisis underway, it is particularly irresponsible to remove trees when other alternatives are available.

What: Mass Choir “Lament for the Trees,” speeches and ceremony
When: Sunday, August 15
Time: 2-4 pm
Where: Experimental Farm, field north of Building 60 (Agri-Food Policy Institute) on Birch Drive



We will be gathering at the Experimental Farm, on August 15 at 2:00 pm, dressed in green to represent the trees. Our message will be: Send the hospital plan back to the drawing board!

Please join us on August 15 to speak up for the trees! Learn more by visiting the Facebook Event Page

You can also learn more about this development by visiting the Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital webpage.

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