This week we released a report into the many benefits of transitioning our school bus fleet away from diesel to electric. We are so excited to share this with you - read our electric school bus report here.
This week we joined Alan Neal's All in a Day program on CBC Radio to discuss why our school buses must go green. Hear the interview here.
Doug Ford’s initial budget considerations continue his administration’s chronic disregard for even the most basic of environmental issues.
Les premières considérations budgétaires de Doug Ford confirment le mépris chronique de son administration pour les questions environnementales, même les plus élémentaires.
As part of the Peoples Official Plan, we have submitted our Ottawa City Budget priorities to Councillors, the Mayor and City Staff. Our key funding priorities on the environment are set out, as well as areas that we do not want to see funded: fossil fuel infrastructure and road widenings, to name just two. The letter also sets out fundamental changes that need to be made to the budget process so to allow meaningful public participation in setting the City's funding priorities.
Ecology Ottawa was at City Council’s Transportation Committee on January 26 as the committee considered a motion seeking to fully reopen Wellington to vehicles. (For background on this issue, please see our earlier post.) We’ve provided our delegation below. You can also watch the recording and check out the accompanying slide deck (PDF).
Wellington St. could be an outstanding place open to all!
Recently, CBC reported that certain members of City Council have called for Wellington Street in front of Parliament to be reopened. (You may recall that it was closed to vehicles after the downtown occupation by protestors in February 2023.)
The truth is, Wellington hasn’t been closed at all for the last year: it has been open—but open to people.
Resolutions are related to resolve: a firm determination to do something. A new year is a time for dreaming about the months ahead, and setting resolutions to bring them to fruition. Here at Ecology Ottawa, we’re dreaming about a city filled with trees and teeming with pollinators and biodiversity. A city of people that acknowledge how dire the climate crisis is and acts accordingly - by reducing fossil fuel dependency and emissions, retrofitting buildings, driving less, and choosing active and public transit where possible. A city prepared for extreme weather and that works to be climate resilient, and where neighbours and communities care for each other in tough times. A city that rejects more sprawl and actively focuses on intensification and walkable, social, 15-minute neighborhoods. A city where citizens are fully awake to the gravity of environmental crises, but through education, engagement, and connection find meaning in environmental action. This dream of a green capital city propels our work.
Throughout 2022, we have continued to live in interesting and trying times, marked by climate emergency, health crisis, international upheaval, and ever-increasing inequality and affordability challenges. In this tumultuous context, our own individual lives play out, connected in concentric circles to the city, province, nation, and globe.
Ottawans Know Why they Showed Up on a Cold Grey Day to Protest Bill 23
By Alice Irene Whittaker
Every single one of us could have chosen not to show up. Yet on a cold, gray December morning, many Ottawa citizens, organizations, and City Councillors showed up outside the Provincial Courthouse on Elgin, joining together from downtown, suburban and rural areas of the city to say no to the province’s Bill 23.
Starting Thursday December 15th @ 6 pm - Give a Bang! Campaign Against Bills 23 and 39
Residents of Ottawa are being asked to bang pots and pans at home, the office and in the streets in a time-honoured tradition of protest, starting on Thursdays at 6:00 pm, beginning December 15. The campaign has been launched by Reimagine Ottawa, and supported by local advocacy groups including Ecology Ottawa, Horizon Ottawa, Greenspace Alliance, and others.
A member of the Peoples Official Plan, Citizen Climate Counsel (C3), has launched a 2022 Climate Progress Account report assessing the City of Ottawa’s progress on implementing its climate priorities and agenda. C3 tracked all of the City of Ottawa’s 159 milestones outlined in their various climate plans: Climate Change Master Plan, Energy Evolution and other city documents. C3 then reviewed city council and committee meeting minutes, staff reports and more to track the city’s progress on these milestones. This evaluation clearly demonstrated that the city of Ottawa is not on track to achieve its climate targets.
Across Ontario, organizations and individuals committed to affordable housing, environmental protection and democracy have been rallying against Bill 23, now enacted as the More Houses, Built Faster Act. This complex legislation fundamentally undermines our democratic principles. You can read more here.