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The People’s Official plan (POP) - an informal coalition of grass roots organizations - focuses on greater urgency and ambition on climate and social justice issues to the development of Ottawa’s Official plan. This alliance has incessantly opposed the towers and corridors approach proposed in the City’s revised Official Plan and endorsed building a more livable and compact city (i.e., intensification), public investments that will build a more equitable city, and a city embarking on a low carbon development path.
The meticulous People’s Official Plan coalition has been working tirelessly on mobilizing hundreds of residents across the city through workshops and campaigns. The movement has been successful in sensitizing masses to recognize the significance of pressure-building and in return influencing the decision-makers to make amendments that will shape the future of city and its direction towards the path of sustainability. POP outlines the importance of inclusivity and engagement of the residents with the city staff and councillors in co-creating this important public policy especially when something with a colossal impact, like the Official Draft Plan, is on the table.
Click here to read POP's responses to the Final Official Plan
The People’s Official Plan is exhilarated to share with you one-page statements synthesizing key improvements we hope to see in the final version of the Official Plan, before it is approved by Council. POP response to the draft Official Plan is theme centric with Walkability, Housing Equity, Finance, Greenspace, Inclusion and Transparency metrics, Climate Emergency and Food Security being the cornerstone of the developments suggested by the POP members. This culminates two years of substantive work by a broad range of community organizations to ensure that the new Official Plan provides an effective response to both the Climate and the Housing and Homelessness Emergency declared by the City of Ottawa.