Q3 - Will you commit to phasing out natural gas infrastructure and prioritize conservation and efficiency over new, renewed or expanded gas infrastructure?

John Redins


Hussein Mahmoud

No. I understand the importance of supporting a green transition but would need more information, resources, and consultation with community members in order to fully commit to this. I would potentially be supportive of this and am certainly supportive of greening our economy and communities, but would need more specific details to ensure we are balancing our fiscal realities, community voices and needs, and effective coordination with other levels of government, like the Province of Ontario.

Taylor Houstoun

Overall, yes. We can continue to do our part within the plan to make Ottawa greener and more emission friendly. Sometimes there are pragmatic concerns that end up changing the course of plans - you can't leave people without energy or rely on them to conserve without planning for the future. Meanwhile, sometimes newer infrastructure can replace decaying infrastructure that has a chance of leaking and polluting the environment.

But yes, I can commit to the plan broadly and will work to see it implemented practically throughout the city so that we reduce our footprint.

Ron Keays

Yes. While legacy energy sources will continue to be essential as we transition to cleaner alternatives, any new investment and infrastructure must be moving us towards our zero emission target

Aria Alavi

Did not participate.

Jessica Bradley

Did not participate.

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