Election Campaign Tabs

The results of Ecology Ottawa’s All-Candidate’s Environmental Survey are FINALLY HERE! Read the REPORT or scroll down to see where the candidates in your ward stand on the environment.

On October 24, citizens will choose not only a new mayor, but also a whole set of new City Council members, effectively changing the face of the government of our nation’s capital.

We have the power to choose those candidates who will take bold environmental action. Ecology Ottawa’s All-Candidates Survey on the Environment helps voters understand where candidates stand on the environment when it has never mattered more. This is a comprehensive, multi-issue survey that digs deep on climate commitments with those vying for leadership.


More than 70 candidates weighed in on 13 questions on critical environmental issues such as energy, climate change adaptation, sustainable transportation, trees and greenspace, and justice, equity, diversity & inclusion. Candidates responded to each question with a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ and were invited to elaborate.

The devil is in the details. Not all “yes” or “no” answers are equal. Without reading the long answers, you will miss key perspective for helping you make an informed decision at the polls.



... That there was 100% consensus on building a public transit system that is rapid, reliable, affordable and accessible, and on bringing Ottawans at all diversity intersections together on environmental issue.

... That the most divisive issue was implementing a user pay system for curbside residual waste, with a nearly 50/50 split between candidates?

... That 85% of respondents said they’d commit to fully funding and implementing Energy Evolution?


Citizens have incredible power to determine the outcome of this election - and the future of Ottawa. Check out the survey results by clicking on your ward below, and vote for candidates who will be bold on environmental action and climate justice.

  • You can SHARE the All-Candidates Survey on the Environment with your neighbours and friends - in person and online. For all your sharing needs, we’ve prepared a toolkit, pre-captioned and hashtagged that you can find HERE!
  • PUSH your candidates to do MORE - and keep asking for the bold environmental ambition we need after election day.
  • Most importantly, get out and VOTE on October 24th, with the environment and climate justice as a top priority.


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