Q4 - Will you commit to investing in energy efficient housing for lower income communities, and ensuring that the costs of retrofits are not passed down to tenants?

John Redins


Hussein Mahmoud

Yes. We need to leverage supports from other levels of government to ensure that we are giving tenants affordable energy bills. Affordability is key to my platform - a lot of families and middle and low income communities are worried with the current economic situation. We need to work collaboratively with landlords, councillors, and communities to ensure we are leveraging government grants, working with homeowners, as well as tenants to ensure that all parties are supported in infrastructure transitions.

Taylor Houstoun

Yes, but being a multi-part question, this is ultimately difficult to answer. The cost will Always be passed down to either tenants or the taxpayer. We known this from macro-economic models that have been proven repeatedly. A tax on anyone is always a tax on the consumer eventually - it simply is and there is no functional way to change it in the long run.

That doesn't mean we can't make attempts or establish programs to fulfill this goal. With regard to energy efficient housing, my housing plan actually expects to see significant amounts of non-profit and rent subsidized housing built. Ultimately, I want everyone to own their own home, and that requires flexibility on the city's part. Increasing building standards within Ottawa to ensure these are efficient will save us all money and health in the long run. Everyone benefits when our bills are cheaper.

I also think the city can partner with building owners and even residents (especially in condos) to subsidize retrofits under controlled rent clauses so that residents aren't gentrified out of their homes. The city can even contribution-match in cases of collective ownership. We have many solutions to mitigate the issue of passing costs along while also achieving the goal.

Ron Keays

Yes. Any new affordable housing must be build with efficiency in mind, and the city must work with property owners to ensure outdated and inefficient build have a path towards higher efficiency

Aria Alavi

Did not participate.

Jessica Bradley

Did not participate.

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