Q1 - Will you commit to fully funding and implementing the City of Ottawa’s Energy Evolution Plan?

Catherine Kitts

No. We did approve a very robust action plan this term of council and we’ve started putting some of those recommendations into place like retrofitting City facilities to be more energy efficient. We’ve welcomed our first fleet of electric busses which is a step in the right direction. In my opinion, one of the key priorities for tackling climate change will be designing a public transit system that services all the communities in Ottawa. Now, both the rural and suburban areas of Orléans South-Navan are very underserved by efficient transit. 

I agree that the City’s Energy Evolution Plan has been poorly funded and as such has not been implemented in the way that it should. However, with an increase in the cost of living, rising inflation and a looming recession, I have made a commitment to keeping taxes low and life affordable for the residents of our city. While we absolutely must ramp up reallocating funds to the plan, it is difficult to commit to fully funding it without knowing what other services would need to be cut in order to spend $600M annually. This will be an important conversation as we approach budget season.  

Yvette Ashiri

Yes. To me, it is an easy question. Major financial investments have in the past shown to be extremely worth it in the long run. The city's Energy Evolution Plan not only makes life more affordable in the long-term, but also benefits our environment at a crucial point in time where climate action is beyond necessary. 

Shamsa Sheikh Ahmed

Did not participate.

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