Q13 - Will you commit to developing strategies that bring Ottawans at all diversity intersections together on environmental issues?

Bina Shah

Yes. Experience in other municipalities suggests that when climate solutions consider and include equity and inclusion, multiple priorities can be addressed at the same time and more people can participate in the low carbon transition to fight back against the climate emergency collectively.  Everyone should be doing their part.  As a Queer South Asian woman, I understand the value of inclusion and it is important to bring Ottawans at all diversity intersections together on environment issues that require action.

Rouba Fattal

Yes. I believe that by creating more opportunities for artistic and cultural expression across the city can help create spaces for collaboration on all sorts of issues, not only environmental issues. 

Erin Coffin

Yes. Absolutely. 

Mike Dawson

Yes Essential. Previous council failed at this. 

Allan Hubley

Did not participate

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