Q2 - Will you commit to no more extensions of the urban boundary, and support building more 15-minute neighborhoods throughout the City of Ottawa, not just in the urban core?

Bina Shah

Yes. I would  be in support of maintaining our urban boundary and to look within our city limits for opportunities to intensify, while employing mixed use zoning so that complete communities are created.  These communities will  support active transportation and transit, reduce car dependency, and enable people to live car-light or possibly car-free. We know that 15-minute neighbourhoods are compact, well-connected places with a clustering of a diverse mix of land-uses which includes a range of housing types, shops, services, local access to food, schools and day care facilities, employment, green spaces, parks and pathways. 

Rouba Fattal

Yes. Kanata South is a very walkable and bike-able part of the city. I think rezoning efforts will have a very positive impact on people and businesses, and create more opportunity for folks in Kanata South to walk to their favourite small business.  

Erin Coffin

Yes. Kanata South needs to do better in this area. Not all areas have been developed to be 15 minute neighbourhoods and we need to see how we can fix this. 

Mike Dawson


Allan Hubley

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