Q7 - Will you commit to an active transit network with interconnected and protected bike lanes and multi-use paths City-wide (not just in the downtown core)?

Bina Shah

Yes. I am in support of an active transit network that is interconnected, in which protected bike lanes are considered along with multi-use paths City-wide, but many pathways beyond the outer core must be safely connected first as a priority.

Rouba Fattal

Yes. Kanata South has a great opportunity to install meaningful bike infrastructure along Eagleson, and down Terry Fox as the city looks to widen that road to accomodate the new developments in Stittsville. There are lots of roads that are long over due for repaving, and I wish ensure that any full road repairs that happen are also considering safe biking infrastructure in their plan. 

Erin Coffin

Yes. This is not about a war on cars, this is about balance and safety. We deserve to have options and we need them to be able to travel around and enjoy our city. This is proactive in so many ways.

Mike Dawson

Yes We would like to be able to bike our children to school and daycare.  Currently the route ane dangerous/ impossible.  

Allan Hubley

Did not participate

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