Q2 - Will you commit to no more extensions of the urban boundary, and support building more 15-minute neighborhoods throughout the City of Ottawa, not just in the urban core?

Guy Boone

Yes. Ward 24 is far from being a "15-minute neighborhoods", but more progress can be made.

Pat Brennan

Yes. I think walkable neighborhoods are important given not only the reduction in vehicles but the high price of oil and gas. Any exceptions must have compelling reasons.

Kathleen Caught

Yes. I am in favour of this. Prefer to reduce use of cars and not expand the footprint. And create Strong Towns  as a movement that will bring wealth back to communities as per the StrongTown movement in USA. 

Richard Garrick

Yes. With the approval of the 25 year plan for the urban boundary to grow to accommodate the expected 450,000 new residents that are forecasted to make their home in Ottawa, I believe that this expansion would suffice, based on the projections. I would commit to supporting more 15 minute neighborhoods throughout the city of Ottawa, not just in the urban core. 

Wilson Lo


I am against any further expansion of the urban boundary--we will lose valuable farmland and will have to continue funding services that go farther and farther. My platform is a consequence of the recent expansion.

Atiq Qureshi


Dominik Janelle

Did not participate. 

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