Q6 - Will you commit to building a public transit system that is rapid, reliable, affordable and accessible for all users, with proper transit routes within rural, suburban and lower income communities?

Stephanie Maghnam

Yes. In order to have world-class public transportation - it has to be safe for all people to use, it has to be a reliable source of transportation and it has to be efficient.  To have this world-class transit for our city - we need to establish clear “Best Practices” for each critical component - And to ensure the oversight is funded to implement the ongoing maintenance that's needed to keep these trains operating within their respected life span.

Certainly, a review of the city's transit fare should be evaluated in supporting residents that have experienced a burden in the rising cost of living.  The transit fare box generates 210 million dollars a year in revenue.  The ridership has to be reviewed to have efficient bus service.

West Carleton - March is considered on the City's Transportation Master Plan as Area TRANSIT B which means we don't pay a transit levy.

We pay for Para Transpo-  and we pay a small portion for the Park and Ride - but all together it's less than a 100 dollars a year - for the Rural area. The Tac Committee does great work consulting and providing input into various transportation issues in our city.  

I'd would have a committee through them that is dedicated to looking at rural transit option for West Carleton - March Ward 5.

Ian Madill

Yes, I can commit to this.  The LRT has had its share of well documented issues.  Going forward the city will need to focus on convenience and reliability and addressing the changing dynamics of the work force.  I believe OC failed to recognize the shifting patterns of major work hubs and continued to rely on a decreasing work force of downtown federal employees, and with Covid that # has dropped even more significantly.  If the city wants to increase ridership there needs to be some planning changes to routes and a new vision of what the need is of residents.

Nagmani Sharma


Clarke Kelly

Did not participate

Greg Patacairk

Did not participate

Colin Driscoll

Did not participate

Sasha Duguay

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