Q13 - Will you commit to developing strategies that bring Ottawans at all diversity intersections together on environmental issues?

Laine Johnson

Yes. Access to green space is an area we know affects residents across a range of backgrounds, and the pandemic brought that to the fore in recent years. In College Ward people live in houses with private yards, in apartments with a small balcony, condos with limited private outdoor space, and shared student housing. We saw people flocking to public outdoor spaces and we need to ensure that every resident of Ottawa can access green spaces for their health and well-being. People with mobility issues or who are using a stroller, for example, need well maintained paths. Largely, we see lower-income neighbourhoods are the hottest areas in the city, because of the lack of green space and tree cover, and therefore the people in them—often BIPOC—are more susceptible to heat-related illness and death related to climate change.

I will work toward establishing more cooling stations in the College Ward so that residents have an accessible place to escape extreme heat, work toward better neighbourhood-specific monitoring of air quality, never again expanding the urban boundary, and implementing a stronger tree replacement policy for the City.

Wendy Davidson


Vilteau Delvas

Yes. The beauty of Ottawa is its diversity, my job is to give a voice to everyone without prejudice.

Granda Kopytko

Did not participate.

Pat McGarry

Did not participate.

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