Q11 - Will you support the introduction of a user pay system for curbside residual waste collection, where residents pay for the bags or containers that they put out for collection, according to the actual level of service that they use?

Sean Devine

Yes. This will be a controversial measure to implement, but I believe that the financial penalty of poor waste management is the best incentive to improving habits. The same can be said of issuing speeding fines or parking tickets to bad drivers. The financial penalty is meant to act as a deterrent to bad behavioural habits.

James Dean


Myles Egli

No. I would not support a user pay system. This is just another tax. I feel it would penalize those that can least afford it. In my opinion, it would be a burden on larger families and those of lower incomes. Those on lower incomes tend to buy more packaged goods and less fresh products resulting in more garbage at the curb. I feel instead of penalizing those with too much garbage we should be rewarding those who minimize their garbage output.

Peter Westaway

Yes. We have to first look at other cities that have implemented this pay for bag system. We can't have it increasing illegal dumping.

Michael Wood

No. This has not been overly effective in other communities and I do not believe the demographics of Ward 9 would support this.

Peter Anthony Weber

Did not participate.

Joseph Ben-Ami

Did not participate.

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