Sean Devine
James Dean
Myles Egli
Yes. I would work with my counterparts at both the provincial and federal levels to ensure that there are programs in place to do this. The programs would help owners of older properties do the necessary retrofits at a reasonable cost. This will help us reach our net -zero emissions target without putting the burden on the tenants,
Peter Westaway
Yes. I am not sure we can keep the costs away from all tenants but it is important we invest now into making older buildings more efficient and any new building extremely efficient.
Michael Wood
Yes. I will commit to investigating the best ways to making housing more efficient. The challenge is the province of Ontario controls the maximum amount of rent increase and retrofits so things may be out of City Council's hands. At best we will be able to advocate for the those residents in our respective wards to the Province to control increases.
Peter Anthony Weber
Did not participate.
Joseph Ben-Ami
Did not participate.