An Active City...

Our Campaigns

Safe Streets, Healthy Streets

The question we must now ask is, can we afford to go back to business as usual? Are we satisfied with going back to a city built just for moving cars over one that emphasizes health and safety for all road users? We know the city envisions car-free zones as a key part of its climate plan, but has shown no clear strategy on how to get there. We know the city has a plan to reduce death and injury on our streets, but still spends its money on costly road widenings that do nothing to improve road safety or relieve congestion. So, as council sets its new budget priorities, it’s time to turn up the heat for safe and healthy streets.

Click here to sign the petition for safe and healthy streets. Let’s respond to the Covid crisis by making Ottawa a true leader on active transportation.

Why we need an Active City

Transportation decisions are critical to the health, vitality and viability of our communities and environment. For decades, North American streets – and by extension, our communities – were designed around the car. Often, the principal metric of a ‘good’ street was one that moved cars through it as quickly as possible. Decades of over-emphasis on the car has resulted in isolated communities, dangerous streets, a loss of precious greenspace, congestion, air pollution and severe funding challenges for public transportation. It has also contributed to the climate crisis by privileging car transportation as part of the day-to-day travel decisions of every resident of the city.

Bad transportation choices can constrain a city’s options and lead to long-term problems. The more we design sprawling car-centric communities, the more we make transit unaffordable and walking or cycling unsafe. Because people are more reticent to use active transportation when the options at their disposal are dangerous or inconvenient, congestion levels continue to rise as people stick to their cars. New roads and new lanes are touted as a possible solution to the congestion, but they can worsen the problem they were intended to solve. In a phenomenon known as ‘induced demand,’ new roads are quickly filled up with more cars as other modes of transit continue to be inaccessible. In the end, we’re stuck with more cars and more demand for car infrastructure than when we started.

Read more about induced demand and what it means for Ottawa’s transportation future

Past Campaigns

News & Updates

Climate Change Campaign Organizer featured on the Sam Laprade Show

If you missed Ecology Ottawa’s feature on CityNews Ottawa about our city’s air quality take a look right here!

Breathe Easy Update: Monitoring Ottawa's Air Quality

The 2021 Breathe Easy Campaign is underway!

We are officially one month into the 2021 Breathe Easy Campaign! Air quality monitoring began on July 1 and will continue through to the end of September. Our dedicated volunteers have measured particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone levels at 45 different locations across the city for more than 500 total minutes of air quality recording! AND they have signed up to do it 80 more times throughout the summer!

Volunteer to monitor Ottawa's air quality with the Breathe Easy 2021 campaign!

Wednesday 2nd June is Clean Air Day. What better way to celebrate than with the launch of Ecology Ottawa’s Breathe Easy campaign 2021! Volunteers will use a simple mobile air monitoring device while walking, rolling, riding, or running near where the city’s most vulnerable residents gather. We love working with Ottawa’s most dedicated volunteers and can’t wait to meet this year’s Breathe Easy team.

Sign up here to volunteer today! 

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