A Living City...

Our Campaigns

Why we need a Living City

Ecology Ottawa’s Living City program is about making our already great neighbourhoods even better.

It is about working together to address the very real challenges that we are facing today as a society.

We need communities that have strong tree canopies, healthy waterways, and protected green spaces, not only because they are more sustainable and better able to adapt to problems such as climate change, but also because they are cornerstones in fostering healthy citizens and neighbourhoods.

In essence, it will integrate nature into the very fabric of urban planning, defend trees, plants, animals, rivers and green spaces and solve challenges by working with – not against – nature.

The Living City works to inspire Ottawa residents to prioritize trees, protect greenspaces and promote healthy watersheds by focusing on green infrastructure, planting trees, proper stormwater management, and purchasing local parks and natural areas for long-term protection.

News & Updates

In November of 2023, staff recommended that the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) vote to extend Section 11 of the Site Alteration Bylaw from 2 kilometres outside the urban area to the entire rural area. Among other regulations, Section 11 prevents people from clearcutting trees without the approval of the city. Despite the recommendations of staff, on October 3, 2024, ARAC proposed that this area (initially the entire rural area around Ottawa) be restricted to just 1 kilometre outside of the urban area of Ottawa. Instead of a step forward as recommended last year, this is a step backwards. This amendment puts the natural environment at unnecessary risk, and Ecology Ottawa calls on the City to vote against the amendment to this bylaw which will be brought to council on Wednesday, October 16.

How to Winterize your Trees

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There is no escaping the harsh weather of an Ottawa winter, especially for the trees. This season we gave away 15,000 trees at our Tree Giveaway events and now, we want to make sure you know how to prepare and care for them over the winter!

Rain Ready Ottawa - Protecting our watershed and our basements

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When it rains, do you think about where that water is going once it hits the ground? Stormwater actually plays a large role in the health of Ottawa’s creeks and rivers. Where it goes once it hits the ground and what it picks up along the way can heavily impact the aquatic habitats and recreational activities that the Ottawa River provides. So, what is being done to manage it?

Our second Fall Bioblitz!

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Help us protect the places you love! Join us this long weekend, October 8th to 11th, for our second fall bioblitz! It is just as important to continue collecting this much needed data on Ottawa's biodiversity during the Autumn months.

Fall Bioblitz!

Fall Bioblitz!

Pour le français, cliquez ici.

We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of National Tree Day and National Forest Week with an online Fall Bioblitz starting on Friday, September 24th! It's time for you to become a Biodiversity Champion and collect much-needed data on Ottawa's nature! 

Hear Ecology Ottawa on CBC Radio's All In A Day

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Over the last couple of weeks, Alan Neal from CBC Radio's All In A Day has invited Ecology Ottawa on to discuss what the City of Ottawa can do about climate change.

Past Campaigns

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